Digital coupons to attract clients from Instagram advertising
Coupons are perfect for salon advertising on Instagram and Facebook. The client is directed from advertising straight to the card-issuing form, where he downloads the coupon to his phone. After installing the coupon, the service sends an automatic reminder for the client in 2, 24, 48, and 72 hours to make an appointment using YCLIENTS. If the client doesn't make an appointment during this time, the administrator will receive a letter with the client's contact information for a manual call.
The coupon release form looks and works just like a regular lead form. It can also be labeled as an analyst with a Facebook pixel code to optimize advertising campaigns.
Since the first visit, the coupon will turn into a savings card with the first stamp on the balance. This way, the salon receives a system that helps attract and retain clients automatically.
You can view all statistics of attracting clients to the salon in the attraction funnel report. It is updated in real-time and shows data from the moment the coupon is installed until the client becomes a regular customer (3 or more visits).
The Boomerangme is the only service on the market today that will correctly show the LTV of your client attraction funnel.